Ronal Bathrooms · Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Scope of application

This Privacy Policy applies to the following RONAL Bathrooms website:

2. Contact

Controller within the meaning of the Applicable Data Protection Laws is:


RONAL Bathrooms AG
Mittelgäustrasse 81

4617 Gunzgen

Phone: +41 62 389 01 40




We will be pleased to answer any further questions you may have regarding data protection and the processing of your personal data. You can reach us at:

3. Scope and purpose of the processing of personal data

3.1 Visiting our websites

When you visit one of our websites, our servers temporarily and automatically store the following data in a log file, the so-called server log file:


  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Landing page (website from which you get to our website)
  • Browser settings
  • Language and version of the browser software
  • Date and time of access/retrieval
  • Name and URL of the retrieved data
  • Operating system of your computer and the browser you are using
  • Country from which our website is accessed
  • Name of your Internet access provider
  • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Content of the request (specific page)
  • Access status/HTTP status code
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Website last visited
  • Enabled browser plug-ins


This data will be processed for the purpose of enabling the use of our websites (connection buildup), ensuring system security and stability on a permanent basis, optimizing our offers and for internal statistical purposes. A personal user profile will not be created. Legal basis for the processing of your data is therefore our legitimate interest.


3.2 Contacting us

On our websites, you have the option to contact us via contact form and/or by e-mail. The information provided by you will be processed for correspondence with you or for the purpose of processing your request and its settlement. When contacting us by e-mail and/or using the contact form, you must provide your e-mail address and message so that we can process your request.


We process this information on the legal basis of our legitimate interest in the correspondence with you and for the purpose of processing your request and its settlement.


You may object to this data processing at any time. If you object, we will no longer process your personal data for this purpose. Send your objection to the contact address given in Section 2.


3.3 Newsletter  

On some of our websites you have the option to subscribe to a newsletter. If you have subscribed to our newsletter, we will use your e-mail address to inform you about us and our offers. In addition, our newsletters contain information about our products, sales campaigns and our company.


We process these personal data on the legal basis of your consent.


The subscription to our newsletter takes place in a so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that, after registering and clicking on the corresponding checkbox, you will receive an e-mail in which you must click on a link to confirm your registration.


You may at any time unsubscribe from the newsletter and revoke the consent you have given. In order to do so, click on the corresponding button (link) in the newsletter sent to you. You will find the link for cancelling the newsletter at the end of each newsletter.


You may also send the withdrawal from your consent (unsubscribe) to the contact address given in Section 2 or by changing your personal settings.


3.4 Service Form

To provide you with our contractual services, we also process the personal data received via our service forms to the extent necessary. The service forms are to be used for companies making a complaint about SanSwiss products. The data that will be processed are the company name and address, the data of the customer making the complaint and the telephone number. E-mail address, city, address, information about the returned product, proof of sale, product name and catalog number, quantity of questioned goods, time and circumstances of the occurrence of defects are also mandatory data and allow us to furnish the required services. Other data such as cause of complaint or an accurate description of defects are not mandatory.


3.5 Use of personal data for marketing purposes

We also process your personal data for the following purposes:


  • to maintain contact with you
  • to occasionally inform existing business customers (business to business) about certain services
  • to recommend services that may be of interest to you
  • for statistical reasons


You may object to this data processing at any time. If you object, we will no longer process your personal data for this purpose. Send your objection to the contact address given in Section 2.

4. Cookies

To optimize our offer, we use cookies on our websites. These are small files that a web portal leaves on your personal computer, tablet computer or smartphone when you access it. This allows the corresponding website to "remember" certain entries and settings (e.g., login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a certain period of time and you do not need to re-enter them each time you visit and navigate the portal.


Most of the cookies we use are so-called session cookies. These will be automatically deleted when you log out or close the browser. Other cookies remain stored on your computer beyond the respective usage process and enable us or our partner companies (third-party cookies) to recognize your browser on your next visit. Insofar as other cookies (e.g., cookies to analyze your surfing behavior) are stored, these are covered separately in the sections hereinafter.  


Most Internet browsers are set by default to accept cookies. If this is not what you want, you may configure your browser in such a way that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you allow the acceptance of cookies only in individual cases or generally exclude them. You may also enable the automatic deletion of cookies on closing the browser. In addition, you may at any time delete cookies that have already been set via an Internet browser or other software programs. The procedure for controlling and deleting cookies depends on the browser you use. You can find information on this in the help menu of your browser.  


Via the following links you can find out about the options for dealing with cookies for the most used browsers:


5. Google services

We use the following services provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, or if you are a resident of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google"):


Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager


Google Maps



Google uses cookies. The cookies used by Google allow us to analyze the use of our websites. The information generated by the cookies about your use of our websites (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and/or processed by Google on servers in Ireland or the United States.


For further information on data processing and privacy settings please visit:

Google Terms of Use - Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.


5.1 Google Analytics

For the purpose of demand-oriented design and continuous optimization of our websites, we use the web analytics service of Google Analytics in combination with the server-side solution by JENTIS. We use Google Analytics on the legal basis of your consent.  


In this context, user profiles are created and cookies are used to assess the use of our websites for the purpose of compiling reports on website activities and providing other services related to website and internet usage. The gathered information may, if need be, also be transmitted to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties process these data on our behalf. Under no circumstances, however, will your IP address be merged with any other data held by Google.


We use the JENTIS server-side solution to apply a de-identification mechanism to a JENTIS Twin Server which automatically truncates the IP addresses by the last digit, making it impossible to identify a specific European visitor solely by IP address. All identifiers from analytics providers will be deleted. Instead, randomly generated numbers that do not allow re-identification are transmitted. Thanks to the JENTIS server-side solution personal data will not be transferred to third parties and, thus, not to a third country either. The anonymous data of the server log files are stored separately from all personal data of the data subject.


You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. We would, however, like to point out that, if you do so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You may also prevent the collection of personal data (including your IP address) – generated by the cookie and related to your use of the websites – and the processing of these data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page


5.2 Google Tag Manager

We use Google Tag Manager to integrate Google analytics and marketing services in our websites and manage them. Google Tag Manager is a solution that allows us to manage website tags through an interface. Google Tag Manager itself, which implements the tags, is a cookie-less domain and does not collect any personal data. The tool causes, however, the triggering of other tags which in turn may collect data. Google Tag Manager itself, however, does not access these data. If a deactivation has been made at domain or cookie level, this remains in place for all tracking tags implemented by Google Tag Manager.



Captcha is the abbreviation for "completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart". This is a test designed to distinguish humans from machines/robot programs, or "bots" for short. We use reCAPTCHA on the legal basis of our legitimate interests.


reCAPTCHA is a service that attempts to distinguish whether a certain action on the Internet is performed by a human or by a computer program.


5.4 Google Maps

Google Maps is integrated in our location page to display our locations. The processing of your personal data occurring in this context is based on our legitimate interests (i.e., interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our offer).


By visiting our websites, personal data (such as your IP address) may be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Google might store these data as usage profiles for the purpose of tailoring services, advertising and market research. If you are logged in to Google, these data will be directly assigned to your account. If you don’t want this to happen, you must log out beforehand. You may prevent the use of Google Maps by deactivating JavaScript in your browser settings. This may, however, lead to functional restrictions in the use of our websites in individual cases.


5.5 YouTube

Based on our legitimate interests, we use the provider YouTube for the integration of videos into our websites. YouTube is a service of YouTube LLC (“YouTube”), 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube LLC is a subsidiary of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, or, if you are a resident of the European Economic Area or Switzerland, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“Google”).


We have integrated YouTube videos into our online offer; they are stored on and may be played directly from our respective website. All videos are integrated in the “privacy-enhanced mode” which means that no data about you as a user will be transmitted to YouTube if you do not play the videos. Only if you play the videos will the data mentioned in the next paragraph be transferred. We have no influence on this data transmission.


If you visit one of our respective websites, YouTube receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding sub-page of our website. This occurs regardless of whether you have a YouTube account to which you are logged in or whether no user account exists. If you are logged in to Google, your data will be directly assigned to your account. If you do not want your data to be associated with your YouTube profile, you must log out before activating the button.


YouTube stores your data as usage profile and uses them for the purposes of advertising, market research and/or demand-oriented design of its website. You have the right to object to the creation of these usage profiles. To exercise this right, you must contact YouTube.


For further information on the processing of personal data within the framework of YouTube as well as on your rights in this respect and the setting options for protecting your privacy, please refer to the terms of use and privacy information.

6. Social plug-ins

We use social plug-ins from various social networks on some of our websites by means of which you may, for example, share content or recommend products. The networks in question are the following:  


Facebook, a service operated by Meta Platforms Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or, if you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland


Instagram, a service operated by Meta Platforms Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or, if you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland


LinkedIn, LinkedIn Headquarters, 2029 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View, CA 94043, USA


Our websites only integrate these plug-ins as external links (Share buttons). Your personal data will therefore only be processed if you click on the integrated plug-ins. You will then be redirected to the page of the respective provider. We have no influence on the type and scope of the data that is then collected by the social networks. If you do not want the above-named providers to receive your personal data, please do not click on the plug-ins.


For further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of your personal data, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective network. There you will also find further information on your rights in this regard and the setting options for protecting your privacy as well as your right to object to the creation of user profiles:





7. Transmission of personal data to third parties

As a matter of principle, we treat your personal data as confidential and only transfer them to third parties if you have expressly consented to it, if we are legally obliged to do so or if this is necessary to enforce our rights, in particular to enforce claims arising from the contractual relationship.  


In addition, we transmit your personal data to third parties if we are authorized to do so and if this is necessary or expedient within the framework of the use of the websites or for the possible provision of services.  


We disclose your personal data to the following categories of recipients:  


  • IT service providers, web hosts
  • third parties to whom we have outsourced support services such as translation work, newsletter offers or document checks and payroll accounting
  • financial service providers and fiduciaries
  • third parties involved in the implementation or organization of events and seminars
  • authorities and courts, if applicable


When transmitting personal data to third parties, we comply with the legal requirements for the transmission of personal data to third parties.  


If we use processors to provide our services, we take appropriate legal precautions as well as corresponding technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of your personal data in accordance with the relevant Applicable Data Protection Laws.

8. Transfer of personal data abroad

If we transfer your personal data to third parties abroad (i.e., outside Switzerland, the EU or the European Economic Area (EEA)), third parties will be obliged to comply with data protection to the same extent as we are. If the level of data protection in the country concerned is not adequate, but there is no suitable alternative for us, we will ensure that the level of protection of your personal data will be adequate.


We shall ensure this in particular by concluding so-called standard data protection clauses of the EU Commission with the companies concerned and/or by providing other guarantees that comply with the applicable law. Where this is not possible, we base the transfer of the data on the necessity of the transfer for the contractual performance.

9. Retention period

We process and store your personal data only for the period of time required to accomplish the stated purpose or if this is provided for by laws or regulations to which we are subject. If the purpose of storage no longer applies or if a mandatory retention period expires, your data will be routinely blocked, deleted or anonymized in accordance with the statutory provisions.


In addition, we will delete your data if you request us to do so and we have no legal or other retention obligation with regard to this personal data.

10. Data security

We take technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons, and to ensure the protection of your rights and compliance with the Applicable Data Protection Laws.


The measures taken are intended to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data and to ensure the availability and resilience of our systems and services in processing your personal data on a permanent basis. They are also intended to ensure the rapid restoration of the availability of your data and access to it in the event of a physical or technical incident.


Our security measures also include the encryption of your data. When your data is transmitted to us, it is encrypted using HTTPS encryption. All information that you enter online will be transmitted via an encrypted transmission path. This means that this information can at no time be viewed by unauthorized third parties.


Our data processing and our security measures are continuously adjusted in line with technological developments.


We also take our own internal data protection very seriously. Our employees as well as the service providers commissioned by us are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with the provisions of data protection law. Moreover, they are granted access to personal data only to the extent necessary.

11. Your rights

You have the following rights with regard to your personal data:


Right of access: You have the right to know which personal data we process, what happens to it and how long it is retained.


Right to rectification: You have the right to amend, rectify or block your personal data at any time.


Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”): You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data at any time.


Right to data portability: You have the right to receive all your personal data from the controller and to transmit those data in full to another controller.


Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your data. We will abide by this unless there are legitimate grounds for processing.


Right to withdraw consent: If you give us your consent to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw this consent and to have your personal data deleted.


For any questions on your rights you may refer to the contact address given in Section 2.


You may also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the Applicable Data Protection Laws.

Version: 1.0